Monday, August 27, 2012

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Reacher had a busy day that started with an a.m. walk with Vega and I, followed by some roughhousing in the yard with his favorite GSD wrestling partner. Breakfast was next. Then the two four-legged friends settled down for a nap.

It didn't take long for Reacher's engine to recharge. Soon, he was ready to go back outside. He streaked past the side window and around the front. He was running laps around the house at warp speed.

As luck would have it, there was more in store for those four feet. His oldest two-legged brother stopped by to borrow a dog to take running with him. Reacher was it!

Did he mind being second choice since Vega is currently taking it easy due to her (probable) condition? Definitely not. So, they were off - down the street, along the river and eventually back home.

Even a bouncing Boxer eventually runs out of energy. I just discovered Reacher on the couch in the family room where he's definitely not allowed to be.

It's so quiet. It's so peaceful. It's so wrong to let him stay there. But I've already decided to let this sleeping dog lie.


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