Saturday, October 13, 2012

Graduation: From The Pool To The Whelping Box

The puppies have made lots progress in just a couple of weeks. Their eyes are open, they're starting to walk and they're getting big! At this stage, they still mostly alternate sleeping with nursing but they are definitely more active when they are awake. In another week or so, I'm sure things will be getting wild in the whelping box.

Yes, they have graduated from the pool in the bedroom to the whelping box in the garage. Vega would prefer to be in the house with me, but she spends the nights with her puppies and nurses them every few hours during the day. Other than that, she's outa there!

A mother can only take so much of eight very demanding, vigorous nursers. Vega is tugged on, pawed at and fought over during every feeding. And if that's not enough, she is constantly cleaning up after them all. It's a vicious cycle.

When you think about it, it's pretty much the same for all mothers with new babies. I remember. So, I take her for walks, throw the ball and just let her hang out with me. She's grateful for the adult company now and then.

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