Sunday, October 14, 2012

Feeding Frenzy

All's quiet on the puppy front ... for the moment. Tummies are full, puppies are satisfied and taking a snooze. But it wasn't like that a few minutes ago.

When Vega came into the garage and stepped into the whelping box, all eight puppies woke up. They were ready to eat! Mama had a few messes to clean up first, but several eager beavers made a valiant effort to stand on their hind legs and grab on for a drink. A good idea, but not so easy when you're just over two weeks old.

Still, it was madness in the whelping box. All eight puppies were scurrying around as best they could trying to anticipate where Vega might land. In all the excitement, one little girl managed to hook her front paws over the box's lower Dutch door and tumble out onto the garage floor. Time to close the top door!

Finally, Vega laid down, stretched out and let the puppies go for it. You can see for yourself what happened once they got situated.

And in a few hours, it will start all over again.

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