Saturday, September 8, 2012

Credit Where Credit Is Due

Reacher has a new respect for pillows.
Even though I just chased Reacher up the stairs and caught him pulling a framed photograph off my dresser, I feel I should give my crazy boy credit where credit is due. For one thing, he hasn't attempted to chew up any pillows today. He did tote an outdoor chair cushion from the deck into the living room, but he just used it to rest his chin. No chewing involved.

More to the point, he has performed like a champion during training practice the past few days. We are working on off-leash obedience so I've been walking him with the six-foot leash draped scarf-like around my neck -- no hands!

And he's been heeling like a pro, even though bike riders zip by, joggers run past and other dogs walk (not nearly as well as Reacher, of course) nearby.

He sits when I stop and keeps pace each time I speed up or slow down. Of course, I've given a few corrections. But there has been no bolting, no refusing and no typical knucklehead Reacher behavior.

Maybe he appreciates my undivided attention. We've been leaving our little mama at home. Vega is not as fleet of foot as she was pre-pregnancy. And she's not coping as well with the heat. So,I've been walking her solo too, at her own pace.

Obviously, Reacher can behave when he wants to. If I can just figure out what makes this little guy tick he'd be almost perfect.

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