Sunday, July 28, 2013

Evening The Score

With three dogs under one roof there's a lot of roughhousing that goes on, with the operative word being rough.

Panzer is working on solidifying his spot as top dog. He's not there yet, but he's trying. And that means Panzer regularly does things like grabbing a bone or toy right out of Reacher's mouth and taking it for himself.
He also enjoys jumping on top of Reacher when he least expects it. Being a Boxer, Reacher likes a good wrestling match, but when Panzer grabs those jowly Boxer lips and pulls it's gotta hurt. I would think it's similarly painful to have one's neck or leg in a fellow dog's jaws. 

Not to worry. Reacher has developed a plan to get even with Panzer's puppy nonsense.

You see, there is an Invisible Fence in my yard, but currently Panzer does not have a "magic collar" of his own and therefore cannot be outside without a leash -- or close supervision. So when Reacher goes out, most of the time Panzer is left behind.

And that drives Panzer crazy. It's obvious Reacher knows this because he seems to delight in doing laps around the house which sends Panzer squealing (yes, dogs squeal, in this case kind of like a stuck pig) and running from window to window trying to keep pace from the inside.

As icing on the cake, Reacher sometimes just sits on top of the railroad ties, which puts him about the height of the living room window. He's content to just sit and stare at Panzer who whines, yelps, barks and yes, squeals some more. It's highly annoying if you're the human on the inside, but awesome if you're the Boxer on the outside.

He may lose a wrestling match or two, but Reacher definitely knows how to even the score.

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