Saturday, September 14, 2024

Showering My New Puppy with Love and Other Stuff

When I found out I was definitely getting a puppy from my chosen breeder's fall litter, I talked about my soon-to-be puppy to anyone who would listen. A friend offered to throw me a "puppy shower." I immediately replied, "Thank you, but I've been a dog owner for so long, I already have everything I need."

As I began to count down the days until I would pick up my puppy, a good friend suggested she throw me a puppy shower. "Wow, thanks," I replied, "But I've been a dog owner for so long I already have everything I need." 

It was true, I did have everything I needed, but I soon realized it just wasn't going to be good enough for the newest member of my family.   

Yes, I had a dog crate that would be be serviceable. It even had a divider so the space could be adjusted as the puppy grew. But instead, I decided I needed a just-the-right-size crate when my boy came home. I also realized that a half cup of puppy chow would look so lonely in the food bowl I had from my previous Boxers that I had to have a smaller one. Of course, it came with a matching bowl. And it was an elevated to provide an ergonomically correct eating position. Definitely a plus. Only the best for my puppy!  

Of course I had a collar too, saved after my last puppy outgrew it years ago. But it was brown leather and my black Standard Schnauzer was the green collar pup of the litter. TNaturally, nothing but a new green collar would do. 

Add to all of the above, must-have stuffies and chew toys, balls and pint-sized bones. I would need soft training treats and specially formulated puppy food. The breeder trained the litter to use puppy pads, so I added those to my list. And wouldn't my little guy love a set of fleece puppy blankets in a paw print for his new crate? Yes!! 

I may have turned down a puppy shower,soon but a flood of  puppy essentials would be headed my way. 

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